Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Protect and Serve

My husband, Michael and I had so much fun down in Florida this last week. We were at the FPEA conference which is always exciting and we loved meeting and talking to so many wonderful people. Maybe it is the holiday, but I could not help noticing all the military families that were attending the conference, and we really appreciated the opportunity to talk with them and help make learning as easy as possible, no matter where they are.

Sometimes we can get carried away and lose sight of what Memorial Day is all about. A friend of mine recently quipped that it has turned into "National Grill Day", and the truth behind that statement was convicting for me. We have a tendency to use the time to relax and have fun rather than reflect and appreciate how much we really have. I would like to make this post as a thank you to all those who serve and protect us.

I am blown away by the helpful nature and the respect that those who serve show to those around them. They helped the vendors set up their booths, they asked if we would like help taking our booth down and carting everything back to our car. I can only imagine if our children could show the same respect to their peers.

In honor of Memorial Day and as a thank you to those who serve, I would like to remind you that Progeny Press is hard at work to make it as easy as possible to get the literature study materials that you need, no matter where you are based. Progeny Press also offers a military discount for all those in active service.

God Bless America.


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